Frequently asked questions

Find answers to the most asked Retrofit program questions.

Non-Lighting Incentive Updates PLUS Instant Discounts Lighting Retrofit Fall Changes

The Retrofit program in 2023

Registering for the portal

Support for the Retrofit program

Working with Applicant Representatives


Completing Applications




Multi-site Applications

Disposal and decommissioning

Ottawa Large Solar PV DER FAQs

DERs for Greenhouses FAQs

Eligible measures

Don’t see your question?

Email us at or give us a call through the Retrofit support line at 1-844-303-5542.

I work for an LDC, who should I contact for support?

Please contact for issues related to existing Retrofit applications and Reported Results.

Please ensure to include the following information in your inquiry: 

  • Please reference the Retrofit and application # in the subject line or Reported Results and state the reporting period (e.g. May 15)
  • Please include your username and LDC name in the content of the email
  • Please include the date that you experienced the issue along with a clear explanation of the type of issue you are experiencing
  • Application status and any other applicable dates
  • Other helpful information may include any other documentation and screenshots as applicable – please include screenshots as attachments