Most lighting measures previously available as part of the Retrofit program are now offered through the Save on Energy Instant Discounts Program. Please visit the Instant Discounts Program page for more information.
The Save on Energy Retrofit Program offers businesses incentives to upgrade equipment, reduce energy bills, lower carbon footprints and enhance staff comfort. The program offers financial incentives through various streams.
The custom stream offers financial incentives for businesses to undertake larger, more complex retrofit projects, that are more reflective of the participant’s actual operating conditions. The custom stream is structured to accommodate a wide range of project types to help participants capture greater energy savings.
The prescriptive stream offers financial incentives for targeted retrofits, helping participants upgrade to more energy-efficient equipment. The prescriptive stream, which focuses on commonly used products and technologies, is suitable for more typical upgrades of equipment.
Businesses can receive incentives for a variety of energy-efficient measures available in three areas: Lighting controls, HVAC, and Manufacturing and other equipment.
Incentives are available as part of the Retrofit program for horticulture lighting, both top lighting and inter-lighting, and advanced lighting controls for greenhouses across the province. Learn more about the incentives for greenhouse upgrades.
Incentives under the Prescriptive Stream are available for small and large commercial, industrial and institutional participants who are interested in behind-the-meter solar installations to displace their load and reduce their demand on the grid. Microgeneration projects less than 10 kW of direct current (DC) are eligible to receive $1000/kW-DC, and small-medium generation projects greater than 10 kW up to 1 MW of alternating current (AC) are eligible to receive $860/kW-AC.
Retrofit incentives are available to owners or lessees* of:
*If you lease, you must have the owner’s consent or authorization to participate.
What types of projects are eligible?
Projects eligible for the Retrofit program are generally those that provide sustainable, measurable and verifiable reductions in peak electricity demand and electricity consumption. Project incentives are available for a variety of products and technologies to continue to help businesses save on energy costs and increase their competitiveness.
Examples of eligible projects include:
Speak to your Save on Energy representative to find out how the Retrofit program can meet your needs.
Call us at
for application support or general questions.
Provide us with information about your project and we’ll call you back to provide tailored advice.