2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework

October 1, 2020 Update

The IESO has received a Ministerial directive to implement a new 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) framework, launching the week of January 4, 2021. The province recognizes the benefits of CDM programs to the electricity system and electricity consumers, as well as the contribution they provide to Ontario’s economy and competitiveness.

Programs in the new CDM framework will target those who need them most. The framework will include opportunities for commercial, industrial, institutional, on-reserve First Nations and income-eligible consumers.


Key Information

  • The new CDM framework will be centrally delivered by the IESO under the Save on Energy brand and will focus on cost-effectively meeting the needs of Ontario’s electricity system, including achieving provincial peak demand reductions, as well as targeted approaches to address regional and/or local electricity system needs
  • The 2021-2024 CDM framework will provide continued opportunities for electricity consumers to manage their electricity costs, and stability for partners and businesses involved in the delivery and administration of Save on Energy programs across the province
  • Opportunities for electricity consumers will include support to improve the overall efficiency of buildings, facilities and communities, and opportunities to build awareness of energy-efficiency best practices and behaviours to help electricity consumers make decisions around energy-efficiency equipment and products
  • The new CDM framework will support and solicit customer-based solutions, leverage competitive procurements and calls for proposals to increase competition in the industry, and will be able to respond to changing community needs, particularly in vulnerable communities


Next Steps

Details of programs under the new framework will be available in early November 2020. In the coming weeks the IESO will be engaging with vendors, customers, and key stakeholders on new programs and to ensure a smooth transition from the current 2019-2020 Interim Framework to the new 2021-2024 CDM framework.

For questions, please contact your IESO or Save on Energy representative for more information.

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