November 4, 2020 Update
Information on programs under the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Framework, launching the week of January 4, 2021, is now available. New programs under the 2021-2024 CDM Framework will continue to target those who need them most and will include opportunities for commercial, industrial, institutional, on-reserve First Nations and income-eligible consumers. Complete program details including available incentives, program budgets and targets will be available in early December. The IESO will continue to engage with customers, vendors, and key stakeholders on new program offerings and opportunities for enhancements as part of the 2021-2024 CDM Framework.
For questions, please contact your IESO or Save on Energy representative.
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has issued a Ministerial directive to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to establish a new four-year electricity conservation and demand management (CDM) framework for the delivery of a suite of centrally delivered CDM programs launching the week of January 4, 2021.
The framework will focus on cost-effectively meeting the needs of Ontario’s electricity system, including achieving provincial peak demand reductions, as well as targeted approaches to address regional and/or local electricity system needs. Opportunities for consumers will include support to better manage electricity costs, improve the overall efficiency of buildings, facilities and communities, and build awareness of energy-efficiency best practices and behaviours.
The government recognizes that electricity CDM programs help consumers manage their energy costs, help cost-effectively address system needs and are an important contributor to Ontario’s economy.
As Ontario recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021-2024 CDM Framework will provide continued opportunities for electricity consumers to manage their electricity costs, stability for partners and businesses involved in the delivery of CDM programs in the province, and will help to cost-effectively meet electricity system needs.
Energy-efficiency projects already underway or applications that are pre-approved/contracted by December 31, 2020, will not be affected by the announcement of this new framework and will be expected to complete according to the current program timelines. Projects under the Conservation First Framework (begun before April 2019) must be complete by June 30, 2021, to be eligible for an incentive. Projects under the Interim Framework (since April 2019) must receive pre-approval by December 31, 2020.
Projects that cannot complete by the prescribed timelines under the IF will be offered the opportunity to apply to the new framework, subject to any new rules, eligibility criteria and guidelines.
Opportunities under the 2021-2024 CDM Framework will continue to focus on those who need them most, including commercial, industrial, and institutional consumers, on-reserve First Nations consumers, and income-eligible residential consumers. Information on the programs that will be available can be found here.
More detailed information on available incentives and program budgets will be available in early December.
The new framework is informed by customer insights, lessons learned and direct feedback received through the government posting of the 2021-2024 CDM Framework objectives in July/August. In the coming weeks, the IESO will continue to engage with customers and key stakeholders on enhancements of new programming and opportunities for the future.