Enrollment for the HomeEnergySaver program is now closed. Incentives for heat pumps offered as part of the HomeEnergySaver Program are now available through the Home Renovation Savings Program.

outdoor heat pump

HomeEnergySaver Program

Keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer while saving energy with a new heat pump.

Purchase and install a new heat pump to receive up to $5,000 for an air source heat pump or $10,000 for a ground source heat pump.

The HomeEnergySaver program offers incentives to Ontario homeowners with electrically heated homes located in eligible areas to purchase and install a heat pump.

two heat pumps for a house

What are heat pumps?

Heat pumps are energy efficient and environmentally friendly heating and cooling systems that can help save energy.

Learn more about heat pumps

Available incentives

Participants are limited to one heat pump incentive and one smart thermostat incentive per home.

Home Upgrade Incentive

Mini-split cold climate air source heat pump


Multi-split cold climate air source heat pump (2 heads)


Multi-split cold climate air source heat pump (3 to 4 heads)


Central cold climate air source heat pump


Ground source heat pump


Smart thermostat (available with verified installation of a heat pump)



You are eligible for the HomeEnergySaver program if:

  • Your home is located in an eligible postal code (see below).
  • You own the home.
  • Your home is one of the following:
    • Single family dwelling
    • Semi-detached
    • Duplex
    • Row/townhouse
    • Apartment/condo unit in a building 3 storeys or shorter
  • Your home was built before February 26, 2024.
  • Your home’s primary heating system is electric.

Please review the Program Requirements for full program eligibility and requirements.

How it works

Step 1: Before you begin

Determine if you qualify for the program.

Then, find a contractor registered with the program to properly size and install your heat pump. Your contractor can also submit the HomeEnergySaver application forms on your behalf.

This program is open to all contractors who meet the program requirements. If you are working with a contractor who is not yet registered with the program, they can reach out to the program team at hespcontractors@summerhill.com to join.

Step 2: Complete the pre-installation form

Before you install your heat pump, let us know you are interested in receiving an incentive by completing the pre-installation form. Please note that the pre-installation form will not automatically save your answers — please review the application checklist to see everything you need for a successful submission.

Submitting the pre-installation form does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Once you receive approval, you will receive instructions on how to move forward with your application.

Step 3: Install your heat pump

Work with your program-verified contractor to schedule the installation of your chosen heat pump.

Step 4: Submit your post-installation form

Let us know that you have successfully installed your heat pump within 90 days of installation. You will need to attach documentation such as your final invoice to your post-installation form. Please review the application checklist to see everything you need for a successful submission.

Applications deemed incomplete will have an opportunity to update their submission within 10 business days. Participants with successful applications will receive notice of when they can expect to receive their incentive payment.


For more information

For questions about HomeEnergySaver, please reach out to the program team:
Phone number: 1-888-795-3352
Email: info@hesprogram.ca