Retrofit program changes for October 2022

Changes to the Save on Energy Retrofit program will come into effect on October 12, 2022.

Changes include:

  • new prescriptive measures that were proposed through the new measure submission process will be added to the prescriptive measures list 
  • incentive levels for select lighting products will be adjusted to reflect their saving opportunity
  • new, higher tiers for motors and variable frequency drives will be added
  • the eligibility criteria for demand controlled ventilation – interior conditioned spaces and for unitary AC equipment will be adjusted.

Program updates are emphasized in the charts below by italics.

New measures

Two new prescriptive measures will be added to the Retrofit program as a result of feedback from the market and the ability of these measures to contribute to reducing summer system peak demand. These measures were suggested for inclusion by stakeholders using the new measure submission process.


Adding Doors to Open Refrigerated Display Cases

Retrofitting doors to existing refrigerated display cases. The doors are designed to fit right onto the open multi-deck style cases with minimal case modification. The measure savings are based on a per linear foot of case enclosed.

Measure Assumed Base Case Participant Incentive per unit Total Participant Incentive


Open multi-deck refrigerated display case

$100 per linear foot



Open multi-deck refrigerated display case

$100 per linear foot



Refrigeration Compressors

This measure involves the purchase and installation of a high-efficiency variable capacity digital discus or scroll compressor in a refrigeration system. The high-efficiency discus or scroll compressor increases operating efficiency and reduces energy consumption of the system. The measure savings are based on a per compressor horsepower (HP) of the refrigerated system.

Measure Assumed Base Case Participant Incentive per unit Total Participant Incentive

High-efficiency discus compressor

Non-high-efficiency discus or scroll compressor in a refrigeration system

$75 per HP


High-efficiency scroll compressor

Non-high-efficiency discus or scroll compressor in a refrigeration system

$60 per HP


Revisions to incentive levels

Some lighting measures will see a reduction in their incentive to more closely align it to the energy and demand savings for those products. This is part of an ongoing effort to improve the cost effectiveness of Save on Energy programs and respond to changes in the lighting market that are increasing the cost of electricity savings from these measures.


Integral LED troffer and LED linear ambient fixtures

Measure Existing Participant Incentive per unit Updated Participant Incentive per unit

2' x 2' LED troffer
2' LED linear ambient fixture ≥ 2000 Lumens

$20 per LED troffer or Linear Ambient Fixture

$18 per LED troffer or Linear Ambient Fixture

1' x 4' LED troffer
4' LED linear ambient fixture ≥ 1500 Lumens

$20 per LED troffer or Linear Ambient Fixture

$18 per LED troffer or Linear Ambient Fixture

2' x 4' LED troffer
4' LED linear ambient fixture ≥ 3000 Lumens

$30 per LED troffer or Linear Ambient Fixture

$27 per LED troffer or Linear Ambient Fixture


Integral LED troffer and linear ambient retrofit kits

Measure Existing Participant Incentive per unit Updated Participant Incentive per unit

2' x 2' LED troffer
2' LED linear ambient retrofit kit ≥ 2000 Lumens

$20 per troffer retrofit kit

$15 per troffer retrofit kit

1' x 4' LED troffer
4' LED linear ambient retrofit kit ≥ 1500 Lumens

$20 per troffer retrofit kit
(no change)

$20 per troffer retrofit kit

2' x 4' LED troffer
4' LED linear ambient retrofit kit ≥ 3000 Lumens

$25 per troffer retrofit kit
(no change)

$25 per troffer retrofit kit


8' LED linear ambient fixtures

Measure Existing Participant Incentive per unit Updated Participant Incentive per unit

8' LED Linear Ambient fixture ≥ 4500 < 9000 Lumens

$30 per fixture

$25 per fixture

8' LED Linear Ambient fixture ≥9000 Lumens

$30 per fixture

$25 per fixture


8' LED linear ambient retrofit kits

Measure Existing Participant Incentive per unit Updated Participant Incentive per unit

8' LED Linear Ambient Retrofit Kit ≥ 4500 < 9000 Lumens

$20 per fixture

$15 per fixture

8' LED Linear Ambient Retrofit Kit ≥9000 Lumens

$25 per fixture

$20 per fixture

New tiers

New tiers are being introduced to expand the market opportunity and more accurately record energy savings for two types of measures: motors and variable frequency drives. The new tiers and associated incentives are highlighted below.


Open drip-proof (ODP) motors

Motor Size (HP) Speed Assumed Base Case / Nameplate NEMA Full Load Minimum Nominal Efficiency Participant Incentive ($/Motor)


1200 RPM
(6 Poles)

0.954 / 0.964



1800 RPM
(4 Poles)

0.958 / 0.968



3600 RPM
(2 Poles)

0.95 / 0.96



1200 RPM
(6 Poles)

0.954 / 0.964



1800 RPM
(4 Poles)

0.958 / 0.968



3600 RPM
(2 Poles)

0.954 / 0.964



Totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors

Motor Size (HP) Speed Assumed Base Case / Nameplate NEMA Full Load Minimum Nominal Efficiency Participant Incentive ($/Motor)


1200 RPM
(6 Poles)

0.958 / 0.968



1800 RPM
(4 Poles)

0.962 / 0.972



3600 RPM
(2 Poles)

0.958 / 0.968



1200 RPM
(6 Poles)

0.958 / 0.968



1800 RPM
(4 Poles)

0.962 / 0.972



3600 RPM
(2 Poles)

0.958 / 0.968



Variable frequency drives (VFDs)

Motor Size on which VFD is installed
Participant Incentive











Revisions to eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria for demand controlled ventilation systems for interior conditioned spaces will be updated to provide further clarity and to include reference to the actual number of occupants and/or the ventilation requirements of the occupied zone.


Demand Controlled Ventilation – Interior Conditioned Spaces

The Demand Controlled Ventilation — Interior conditioned space system must consist of sensor(s) to determine the level of contaminants (mainly carbon dioxide) in the interior conditioned spaces, or return air stream and controls to modulate the HVAC ventilation system to maintain indoor air quality requirements, or any means by which the breathing zone outdoor airflow can be varied to the occupied space or spaces based on the actual number of occupants, and/or the ventilation requirements of the occupied zone.


Unitary AC Equipment

The eligibility criteria for unitary AC equipment will be updated to be based on both Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER) and Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) for units greater than 19 kW. The eligibility criteria will be changed to support either IEER or EER as per O.Reg. 508/19, Schedule 4. For the units equal to or less than 19 kW, the energy efficiency ratings are unchanged.

Tons BTU per hour Heating Type Assumed Base Case

Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER / IEER)
Minimum Efficiency Rating (EER / IEER) Participant Incentive Per Unit

Split System
≥ 3.0 to < 5.4

≥ 36,000 to
< 65,000


13.0 SEER (Approximately 11.14 EER)

12.5 EER


Single Package With Economizer
≥ 3.0 to < 5.4

≥ 36,000 to
< 65,000


13.0 SEER (Approximately 11.14 EER)

12.5 EER


Split System
≥ 5.4 to ≤ 7.5

≥ 65,000 to
≤ 90,000

Electric Resistance

11.2 / 12.9

12.2 / 14.1


Split System
≥ 5.4 to ≤ 7.5

≥ 65,000 to
≤ 90,000

All Other

11.0 / 12.7

12.0 / 13.8


Single Package With Economizer
≥ 5.4 to ≤ 7.5

≥ 65,000 to ≤ 90,000

Electric Resistance

11.2 / 12.9

12.2 / 14.1


Single Package With Economizer
≥ 5.4 to ≤ 7.5

≥ 65,000 to ≤ 90,000

All Other

11.0 / 12.7

12.0 / 13.8


Split System and Single Package
> 7.5 to < 11.25

> 90,000 to < 135,000

Electric Resistance

11.2 / 12.9

12.2 / 14.1


Split System and Single Package
> 7.5 to < 11.25

> 90,000 to < 135,000

All Other

11.0 / 12.7

12.0 / 13.8


Split System and Single Package
≥ 11.25 to < 20.0

≥ 135,000 to < 240,000

Electric Resistance

11.0 / 12.4

12.2 / 13.8


Split System and Single Package
≥ 11.25 to < 20.0

≥ 135,000 to < 240,000

All Other

10.8 / 12.2

12.0 / 13.6


Split System and Single Package
≥ 20.0 to < 63.3

≥ 240,000 to < 760,000

Electric Resistance

10.0 / 11.6

10.8 / 12.5


Split System and Single Package
≥ 20.0 to < 63.3

≥ 240,000 to < 760,000

All Other

9.8 / 11.4

10.6 / 12.3


Split System and Single Package
≥ 63.3

≥ 760,000

Electric Resistance

9.7 / 11.3

10.4 / 12.1


Split System and Single Package
≥ 63.3

≥ 760,000

All Other

9.5 / 11.1

10.2 / 11.9
