Retrofit program changes for April 2022

The following changes to the Retrofit program come into effect April 8, 2022:

  • new prescriptive measures proposed through the new measure submission process, as well as new measures that enable greater flexibility by allowing program participants to provide more information on their use
  • some prescriptive measures that were already available but for which participants will now be able to provide more information on their use.

New measures

Three new prescriptive measures have been added to the Retrofit program as a result of feedback from the market and the ability of these measures to contribute to reducing summer system peak demand. These measures were all suggested for inclusion by stakeholders using the new measure submission process.


8' LED linear ambient retrofit kit 

The product must be categorized by the Design Lights Consortium List (DLC) as an "Indoor Retrofit Kits - Linear Ambient" and the product must be approved and listed on the DLC Qualified Products List.

8' LED Linear Ambient Retrofit Kit Participant Incentive

≥ 3000 Lumens

$20 per fixture

> 6000 Lumens

$25 per fixture

Circulator pumps with electronically commutated motors (ECMs)

Refers to the replacement of existing circulator pump & motor in a domestic hot water and/or space heating/cooling system with new circulator pump equipped with brushless DC motor or electronically commutated motors (ECMs).

Motor Unit Participant Incentive

Motor <100 W
(<0.134 HP)


Motor ≥100 & <500 W
(≥0.134 & <0.67 HP)


Motor ≥500 & <750 W
(≥0.67 & <1 HP)


Motor ≥750 & <1490 W
(≥1 & < 2 HP)


Motor ≥1490 & <2237 W
(≥2 & <3 HP)


Motor ≥2237 W
(≥3 HP)



Networked lighting controls Participant Incentive

The Networked Lighting Control must be listed and approved by Design Light Consortium (DLC) and must have all the following system capabilities:

  • Networking of Luminaires and Devices
  • Occupancy Sensing
  • Daylight Harvesting
  • High End Trim
  • Zoning
  • Luminaire and Device Addressability
  • Continuous Dimming

Applicants must submit a full lighting floor plan design document for review. The lighting floor plans shall clearly indicate the total area (ft2) of the facility where luminaires are being controlled by the Networked Lighting Control system.


New prescriptive measures with more than one required field

New measures are being introduced where the program participant will have the opportunity to provide more information about how the measure will be used. These new prescriptive measures will require two or more inputs from the participant to determine the level of savings and incentives that will be available. The inputs will vary by measure. This will provide program participants with greater flexibility, improve the accuracy of savings allocated to the measure and better align the incentive amount with the electricity savings that will be realized. For example, equipment with higher capacity and a higher efficiency rating would yield more savings and a higher incentive.


Variable speed domestic cold water booster pump systems Unit participant Incentive

The assumed base case is a constant speed domestic cold water booster pump system


Injection molding machines Participant Incentive

Replacement of an existing hydraulic injection molding machine with all electric injection molding machine

$50/rated clamping ton

Replacement of an existing hydraulic injection molding machine with a hybrid injection molding machine (defined as using both servo and hydraulic motors for different functions in the same machine)

$25/rated clamping ton

Current prescriptive measures that will now have more required fields

Two measures, HVAC and industrial chillers, that are currently available in the Retrofit program will now have more required fields to complete when including them on an application. In addition to providing more flexibility, more information will improve the accuracy of savings allocated to the measure and will better align the incentive amount with the electricity savings that will be realized.

In addition, the incentive for these chiller measures will be based on the improvement in the integrated part load value (IPLV) for the chiller over the base case, measured in kW per ton. The IPLV of the more efficient chiller can be determined from the manufacturer’s technical literature and/or specification sheet. The optional HVAC chillers worksheet and Industrial systems worksheet will assist participants to calculate the IPLV improvement value, which can then be entered into the Retrofit application.

HVAC chillers Participant Incentive

Air-cooled chillers

$5.25/Ton/IPLV improvement

Water-cooled, electrically operated, positive displacement

$5.25/Ton/IPLV improvement

Water-cooled, electrically operated, centrifugal

$5.25/Ton/IPLV improvement


Process Chillers Participant Incentive

Water-cooled, electrically operated, positive displacement

$30/Ton/IPLV improvement

Water-cooled, electrically operated, centrifugal

$30/Ton/IPLV improvement