Mid-Tier Commercial Real Estate Energy Study Webinar
Mid-tier commercial real estate energy study webinar
For mid-tier commercial real estate owners and operators, industry associations and providers of energy-efficiency products and services.
November 25, 2020
10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Drive savings and increase the value of projects in the mid-tier commercial real estate sector through energy-efficiency tools, incentives and support.
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This one-hour webinar, commissioned by the IESO, presents the results of a study of energy efficiency and energy management practices in mid-tier commercial real estate facilities in Ontario. The study findings address awareness of energy-efficiency opportunities and programs, types of energy-efficiency measures implemented, practices for identifying and assessing energy efficiency opportunities, alignment of corporate goals and site priorities, and barriers to participating in energy efficiency. Presenters share case studies related to the key findings, as well as opportunities for owners and property managers of mid-tier facilities to take advantage of Save on Energy programs and support to improve their buildings’ energy performance. The webinar also includes an update on Save on Energy business programs and the transition to the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework.
Rob Edwards, IESO
Bala Gnanam, BOMA Toronto
Jess Burgess, CIET-Econoler
Stephen Dixon, Knowenergy